Landscaping Co.

Michele McGrath

Expedition Coordinator

Michelle has a deep love for many aspects of life, but among the most profound is her admiration for the water and the diverse life it sustains. As a Florida native Michelle was blessed with early exposure to the wonders of the ocean. Over the past 35 years, this connection has led her to explore numerous corners of the Earth, which has shaped her perspectives and enriched her life in ways she could never have anticipated.

 After graduating with a degree in Environmental Science and Geography from Florida State University, Michelle embarked on a journey to the coral triangle, where she spent several years immersing herself in the diverse cultures of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific Islands. During that time, she engaged in marine research, focusing on some of the world's most prolific reef systems. Additionally, Michelle dedicated herself to teaching English, marine science, and promoting sustainable tourism practices to both children and adults in the region’s coastal communities.

 For the past decade, Michelle has resided in the Caribbean, where she worked as a PADI scuba instructor, introducing countless individuals to the mesmerizing underwater realm. Her time in the Virgin Islands is where her passion for sailing truly blossomed. As she advanced to the role of first mate, she had the privilege of sharing the beauty of the Caribbean islands with people from all corners of the globe, navigating the seas under sail.

 Now, after a blue water sailing adventure, Michelle finds herself nestled in the breathtaking Hawaiian Islands, which she proudly calls home. 

Michelle holds a rooted appreciation for travel, viewing it as the ultimate form of education. Witnessing the wonders of our planet, immersing oneself in diverse cultures and traditions, and connecting with the incredible people who inhabit this Earth are invaluable gifts. Michelle believes these experiences should be cherished and shared with everyone, for they have the power to shape and enrich our lives.

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