Landscaping Co.

The Journey

We are honored to guide individuals on a transformative 4-month journey that spans their home, online, a foreign country, and back to their respective city. This intentional journey weaves together the core objectives of our holistic experience, fostering both subjectivity and personal growth. Joining one of our expeditions is so much more than a 7-10-day trip; it immerses participants in a comprehensive 4-month process that encompasses online cultural classes, inspiring interactions with guest speakers, community engagement, and daily strengthening sessions.

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Listen to the Call

 How often do you provide space to hear what needs to be heard? When do you allow yourself time to reside in a quiet and dark space to hear what is being said? How do you begin to center yourself when the changes of life overtake your voice? Many of us create the excuse that we don’t have the time to step into the unknown.

Step into the Unknown

Stepping into the unknown takes courage. It takes a strength that we all have, that many can dismiss. It stirs up unsettling feelings - ones that we can’t describe. Though it has been shown time and time again, when we take the time needed to listen to the voice that is buried and provide ourselves the honor that it truly deserves.

Orient Your Compass

Our compass begins to reorientate to what is meaningful and purposeful in life. Navigating life's journey entails different interpretations at various life stages. Our alignment with our North Star may shift, however we advocate for pausing to reassess and recalibrate the direction of your compass.

Discover a Travel Experience Like Never Before

Our four-month community package isn't just a prelude to an expedition – it's an immersion into the curiosities of the country, establishing meaningful connections before the journey even begins. The pinnacle of our package transports you to places afar, creating unforgettable memories. As we wrap up our time together, you carry home not just memories but a newfound perspective, poised to be a powerful force for good.

Our Story

Community & Cultural Immersion

Our excursions offer a unique 3 Part Journey: Prepare, Engage, Integrate. We ensure you're ready before departure, fully immerse you in the local culture abroad, and help you reflect on and incorporate your experiences into your life, making your travel truly transformative.

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Preparing for the Journey

All of our excursions include pre-trip preparation that allows travelers to meet each other, learn about the country, and prepare for their journey. Two months prior to our travel date, you will join our community of travelers 2x-monthly for a live 60-minute pre-immersion session equipping you with knowledge that will enrich your travel experience.

  • Country-specific booklet
    Dive into the rich history, culture, and highlights of your destination.
  • Resources about Country
    Access resources of curated content to deepen your understanding of the country's traditions, customs, and landmarks.

  • 60-minute Group Call / Twice Monthly
    Join a community of fellow travelers in engaging discussions, sharing insights, and preparing for your upcoming adventure.
  • Access into Private Travel Forum
    Gain access to a private online forum where you can connect with like-minded individuals, seek advice, and share your excitement for the journey ahead.
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Live Expedition

Transforming Through Experience

Our carefully curated expeditions not only showcase the beauty of each destination but also share the stories, history, and significance that make each country and its culture unique. During our expedition we will ensure time for personal exploration, cultural immersion, and experiences as a shared collective.

  • Morning Class Offering
    Start your days with immersive learning experiences.
  • Planned Afternoon Excursion
    Explore your destination through carefully curated excursions and encounter its landmarks, landscapes, and hidden gems.
  • Cultural Experiences
    Enjoy authentic cultural activities, from traditional dance performances to cooking classes.
  • Local Educational Sessions
    Engage in educational sessions led by local experts.
  • Optional Integration Session
    Reflect on your experiences in optional integration sessions designed to deepen your understanding and foster meaningful connections.
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Reflections: Integrating the Journey

Once our trip has been completed, the journey continues on - all of our tours offer a post trip integration to continue to process the experience. Following our travels, you will connect live in a 60 minute bi-weekly event with newfound friends and explore the ways in which your adventure has transformed you.

  • Sharing Session about Travel (Twice Monthly / 60-minute Group Call)
    Continue your journey with group calls where you can share stories, insights, and memories from your travels, while connecting with a supportive community.

  • Reflection Journal
    Document your reflections, observations, and personal growth in a dedicated journal.
  • Traditional Cuisine & Language Booklet Bring the flavors and sounds of your destination home with a booklet featuring traditional recipes and language essentials.
  • Global Community for Travelers
    Join a global network of travelers who share your passion for exploration, discovery, and cultural exchange.
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Connect with The World Around You

Connecting with the world means reawakening our senses to experience Earth's elemental beauty - the solidity of earth, the fluidity of water, the warmth of fire, and the breath of air and ether. It's about rediscovering the natural rhythms and cycles that pulse through our environment and ourselves.

By immersing in these elements, we foster a profound bond with nature, leading to a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all life. This journey not only brings us closer to the earth but also enhances our awareness, grounding us in the present and nurturing a sense of harmony and wellbeing.

All of our tours offer some component of each of the elements, in order to bring awareness and emphasize our connection to the natural world around us and the earth as a whole.

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Earth & Water

Earth and water unite to foster a bond with the earthly realm. Through dialogue and education, they inspire conservation, stewardship, and a deeper ecological awareness.


Fire symbolizes profound transformation, igniting the journey of self-evolution. Through physical or mental challenges, it represents purification, renewal, and the relentless drive towards growth.

Air & Ether

Air and  Ether, serve as a bridge to the spiritual realm, facilitating a connection through voice or sacred spaces. It embodies the ethereal journey to enlightenment and transcendent experiences.

The Power of Connection

At The Cultural Take, our driving force is connection – the kind that nurtures meaningful relationships and creates genuine respect and understanding. Diving into diverse cultures enables us to embrace new perspectives, ones that enrich and transform our lives. These fresh viewpoints deepen our connection to ourselves and the world around us. Authentic relationships foster kindness and compassion, while embracing unfamiliar customs enhances our awareness. We believe in the power of connection to inspire positive change and create a more inclusive and compassionate world.

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